October 16, 2024

Yn anffodus, tra bod Daf y gath ar ei thrip seicedelig yng nghwni’r enwog Julian Cope, mae amlosgfa Dewi Sant yn heidio gan sombis. Pla o sombis.

Mae pla o sombis yn waeth na phla o diwtoriaid Cymraeg. Maen nhw eisiau bwyta ymenyddiau. Ond o leia nad ydyn nhw’n poeni am dreigladau.

Mae Dewi Sant yn fwy na fodlon rhoi ymenyddiau cyrff iddyn nhw, ond mae eisiau bwyta ymenydiau byw arnyn nhw.

O diar.

Yn lwcus, roedd meistr yr hetiau, sef yr enwog Bryn Terfel, wedi dod o hyd i arfwisgoedd ysblennydd yn yr hen westy cyn iddo losgi. Ond does dim arfwisg digon bach i Jeff y gath ei gwisgo.

Felly mae Jeff y gath yn ymguddio rhag y sombis mewn bwced.

Saesneg / English


Unfortunately, while Dave the cat is on her psychedelic trip in the company of the famous Julian Cope, Saint David’s crematorium is overrun with zombies. A plague of zombies.

A plague of zombies is worse than a plague of Welsh tutors. They want to eat brains. But at least they don’t worry about mutations.

Saint David is more than willing to give them the brains of corpses, but they want to eat living brains.

Oh dear.

Luckily, the master of the hats, the famous Bryn Terfel, had found some splendid armour in the old hotel before it burned down. But there is no armour small enough for Jeff the cat to wear.

So Jeff the cat hides from the zombies in a bucket.

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