October 16, 2024

Yn ôl y profiadol Julian Cope, mae’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel i fod yn wlad hud a lledrith, gyda chofebion Oes y Cerrig ym mhobman.

Ond mae damcaniaeth Julian Cope yn anghywir. Nid am y tro cyntaf.

Yn lle hynny, mae’r dref dan ei sang â dysgwyr Cymraeg, sydd wedi ymgasglu i weld eu hoff fand nhw, sef y Pandas Pinc.

Ond mae’r grŵp – neu’r fersiwn o’r grŵp sydd yn ymddangos yng ngweledigaeth seicedelig Daf a Julian Cope, o leia – wedi newid eu steil yn ddiweddar. Mae golwg tebyg iawn i’r enwog Spinal Tap arnyn nhw.

Mae Daf y gath yn rhyfeddu wrth i gopi polystyren bychan o’r gromlech Pentre Ifan gael ei ostwng i’r llwyfan.

Saesneg / English


According to the experienced Julian Cope, the Other Crymych beyond the horizon is meant to be a wonderland with Stone Age monuments everywhere.

But Julian Cope’s theory is incorrect. Not for the first time.

Instead, the town is packed with Welsh learners, who have gathered to see their favourite band, the Pink Pandas.

But the group – or the version of the group that appears within Dave and Julian Cope’s psychedelic vision, at least – has changed their style recently. They look very similar to the famous Spinal Tap.

Dave the cat marvels as a tiny polystyrene copy of the Pentre Ifan cromlech is lowered onto the stage.

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