October 16, 2024

Diolch i gyffuriau cryfion Daf y gath a’r enwog Julian Cope, mae Owain Glyndŵr wrthi’n gwneud lapiau aml-ddimensiynol o anrhydedd.

Dyw e erioed wedi cael cymaint o hwyl. Mae’r lliwiau’n ddwys, ac mae e’n teimlo’n rhydd wrth i’r awyr iach guro ei ruddiau.

Wfft i aros yn yr hen gromlech, meddylia Gwir Dywysog Cymru.

Ar yr eiliad hon, mae’r Glyndŵr sydd yn dal i fod yn yr un dimensiwn â’r gromlech yn gwylio’r gofeb yn hofran modfedd neu chwech uwchben y ddaear, cyn hedfan i ffwrdd fel llong ofod.

Ni waeth heb ag wfftio damcaniaethau’r enwog Julian Cope wedi’r cwbl, mae’n debyg.

Saesneg / English

Quantum Glyndŵr

Thanks to Dave the cat and the famous Julian Cope’s strong drugs, Owain Glyndŵr is busy doing multi-dimensional laps of honour.

He has never had so much fun. The colours are intense, and he feels free as the fresh air hits his cheeks.

Stuff staying in the old cromlech, thinks the True Prince of Wales.

At this moment, the Glyndŵr who is still in the same dimension as the cromlech watches the monument hover an inch or six above the ground, before flying away like a spaceship.

The famous Julian Cope’s theories are not to be dismissed so lightly after all, it seems.

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