October 16, 2024

Tra bod Daf y gath ar drip seicedelig arall yng nghwmni’r enwog Julian Cope, mae Dewi Sant wedi penderfynu agor amlosgfa lle’r oedd gwesty Daf.

– On’d oes angen trwydded arnat ti? gofyn Jeff y gath wrth iddyn nhw adeiladu’r amlosgfa o friciau’r hen westy.

– Dewi Sant ydw i, meddai Dewi Sant, yn datgan yr amlwg. – Galla i neud be bynnag dwisie.

– Os ti’n gweud ‘ny. O ble ‘yn ni’n mynd i gal y cyrff?

– Cyrff? Pa gyrff? gofyn Dewi Sant, mewn arswyd.

O diar. Mae’n debyg taw meddwl am greu canolfan ailgylchu gwastraff y cartref oedd Dewi Sant, nid amlosgfa. Ond mae’n rhy hwyr nawr.

Saesneg / English


While Dave the cat is on another psychedelic trip in the company of the famous Julian Cope, Dewi Sant has decided to open a crematorium where Dave’s hotel was.

– Don’t you need a licence? asks Jeff the cat as they built the crematorium from the bricks of the old hotel.

– I am Saint David, says Saint David, stating the obvious. – I can do whatever I want.

– If you say so. Where are we going to get the bodies?

– Bodies? What bodies? asks Saint David, in horror.

Oh dear. It seems that Saint David was thinking about creating a household waste recycling centre, not a crematorium. But it’s too late now.

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