October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn gwylio Daf y gath a’r enwog Julian Cope yn diflannu tua’r pellter. Maen nhw eisoes ar drip seicedelig. Pwy a ŵyr pryd fyddan nhw’n ôl.

Does dim ond ulw lle’r oedd gwesty Daf y gath yn sefyll.

Mae casog Dewi wedi cael ei llosgi yn y tân, hyd yn oed. Mae e ar goll.

Ac yna, mae e’n cael syniad.

– Beth am i ni agor amlosgfa? meddai.

Saesneg / English


Saint David watches Dave the cat and the famous Julian Cope disappear into the distance. They are already on a psychedelic trip. Who knows when they will be back.

There is only ash where Dave the cat’s hotel used to stand.

Even Saint David’s cassock has been burnt in the fire. He is at a loss.

And then, he has an idea.

– Why don’t we open a crematorium? he says.

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