October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi bomio ei gwesty ei hun a hawlio’r arian yswiriant.

Tra bod pawb yn sefyll yn ddryslyd ymhlith yr adfeilion, mae hi’n bwriadu dianc rhag ei chyfrifoldebau yng nghwmni’r enwog Julian Cope.

Wfft i redeg gwesty, meddylia Daf y gath, dw i am gael fy mhrofiad seicedelig mwyaf dwys erioed.

Fel pe bai e’n gallu ddarllen ei meddwl, mae Julian Cope yn cynnig paced o Dreamies arbennig iddi hi, ac maen nhw’n dechrau cerdded tuag at godiad yr haul gyda’i gilydd.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has bombed her own hotel and claimed the insurance money.

While everyone stands confused among the ruins, she plans to escape her responsibilities in the company of the famous Julian Cope.

To hell with running a hotel, thinks Dave the cat, I want to have my most intense psychedelic experience ever.

As though he can read her mind, Julian Cope offers her a special packet of Dreamies, and they start walking towards the sunrise together.

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