October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn archwilio ystafell orau ei gwesty newydd ym Môn.

Mae gwely pedwar postyn ynddi, ynghyd â haenau o lwch, sydd wedi ymgasglu dros flynyddoedd. Mae’r papur wal yn plicio o’r waliau, ac mae drewdod erchyll yn dod o’r ystafell ymolchi.

Mae cyflwr y tŷ bach yn arswydus. Does dim byd yn gweithio.

Os taw hon yw’r stafell orau, meddlyia Daf, tybed beth yw cyflwr y lleill?

Bydd angen bomio’r gwesty a dechrau o ddim.

Mae Daf yn setlo i lawr ar y gwely budr a breuddwydio o fomiau.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is exploring the best room in her new hotel in Anglesey.

There is a four-poster bed in it, along with layers of dust, which have accumulated over the years. The wallpaper is peeling from the walls, and a horrible stench is coming from the bathroom.

The state of the toilet is appalling. Nothing works.

If this is the best room, thinks Dave, I wonder what the condition of the others is?

It will be necessary to bomb the hotel and start from scratch.

Dave settles down on the dirty bed and dreams of bombs.

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