October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath a’r criw yn paratoi i agor y gwesty brynodd hi ar-lein. Dyw hynny ddim yn mynd i fod yn hawdd, gan mai adfail yw’r hen adeilad.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn sefyll ynghanol beth oedd yn arfer bod yn ystafell ddawnsio. Mae’r llawr pren wedi hen bydru i ffwrdd, ac mae ystlumod yn hongian o’r trawstiau.

Does neb yn mynd i ddawnsio am sbel.

Fel meistr yr hetiau, does dim llawer i’r enwog Bryn Terfel ei wneud fel paratoadau, felly mae e’n gwneud niwsans o’i hun a rhedeg o gwmpas yn wyllt.

Mae Dewi Sant yn y selar, yn edrych ar yr hen gasgenni o win. Mae ‘na ddigon i gafw iddo fynd am gwpl o fisoedd o leiaf. Erbyn i Daf y gath fynd i weld beth yw Dewi Sant yn wneud, mae e eisoes wedi meddwi’n chwil.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat and the crew are preparing to open the hotel she bought online. That is not going to be easy, as the old building is a ruin.

Saint Dwynwen stands in the middle of what used to be a ballroom. The wooden floor has long since rotted away, and bats are hanging from the beams.

Nobody’s going to dance for a while.

As the master of the hats, there is not much for the famous Bryn Terfel to do in the way of preparations, so he makes a nuisance of himself and runs around wildly.

Saint David is in the cellar, looking at the old barrels of wine. There is enough to keep him going for a couple of months at least. By the time Dave the cat goes to see what Saint David is doing, he is already reeling drunk.

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