October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi prynu gwesty crand ar-lein, ac mae’r criw wedi teithio i Fôn, lle mae’r gwesty. Maen nhw i gyd wedi blino’n shwps erbyn iddyn nhw gyrraedd, gan eu bod nhw wedi cymryd troeon i gario’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn ei gromlech.

– O na, Daf, be ti di neud? gofyn Jeff y gath. – Ma’n dwll o le.

Mae yn dwll o le, yn wir.

Dechreuodd y problemau dod i’r amlwg unwaith iddyn nhw fod ar lôn breifat y gwesty, pan ddiflannodd yr enwog Bryn Terfel i dwll anferth yn y ffordd. Ailymddangosodd ar ôl cwpl o funudau ym mwd i gyd.

Ond nawr eu bod nhw’n sefyll o flaen yr hen adeilad, mae’r gwir ofnadwy yn ddiymwad.

Adfail yw’r gwesty.

Mae gan Julian Cope ddamcaniaeth.

Ond y tro ‘ma, does neb eisiau ei chlywed.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has bought a grand hotel online, and the crew have travelled to Anglesey, where the hotel is. They are all knackered by the time they arrive, as they have taken turns to carry the famous Owain Glyndŵr in his cromlech.

– Oh no, Dave, what’ve you done? asks Jeff the cat. – It’s a dump.

It is indeed a dump.

The problems started to come to light once they were on the hotel’s private lane, when the famous Bryn Terfel disappeared into a huge hole in the road. He reappeared after a couple of minutes covered in mud.

But now that they are standing in front of the old building, the terrible truth is undeniable.

The hotel is a ruin.

Julian Cope has a theory.

But this time, nobody wants to hear it.

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