October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi cael hen ddigon o’i siop lyfrau. Nawr bod cromlech (yn gynnwys Owain Glyndŵr, sydd wedi ei hunangladdu’n fyw) ynghanol y llawr, mae’n amhosib gwerthu llyfrau i’r cyhoedd.

Ar yr enwog Julian Cope yw’r bai.

Efe awgrymodd adeiladu’r gromlech.

Ac yn awr, mae e’n gorwedd yn bathetig ger yr adran arddio, yn dioddef o’i “ffliw”. Act yw’r cyfan. Sêr pop – ych a fi, meddylia Dewi.

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd, sydd yn sicr o ennill bach o arian.

– Beth am i ni werthu’r siop a phrynu gwesty crand? meddai’r gath entrepreneuriol. – Dwi ‘di dod o hyd i un delfrydol ar y rhyngrwyd. Beth allai fynd o’i le?

– Be ni mynd i neud gyda hwn? meddai Dewi Sant, yn cyfeirio at y gromlech.

– Allen ni ddod â hi gyda ni, a’i gosod yn y gerddi fel atyniad i dwristiaid. Allai Owain godi o’i fedd bob hyn a hyn fel perfformiad.

– Paid.

Ond er ansicrwydd Dewi, mae Santes Dwynwen yn hoff iawn o’r syniad o redeg y gegin, a bydd swyddi cyfrifol i’r enwog Bryn Terfel, fel swyddog adloniant a meistr yr hetiau. Mae Jeff y gath eisoes yn edrych ymlaen at weithredu fel swyddog diogelwch.

Saesneg / English

Deciding to leave

Saint David has had enough of his bookshop. Now that a cromlech (including Owain Glyndŵr, who has buried himself alive) is in the middle of the floor, it is impossible to sell books to the public.

The famous Julian Cope is to blame.

He suggested building the cromlech.

And now, he is lying pathetically near the gardening section, suffering from his “flu”. It’s all an act. Pop stars – ugh, Saint Davidthinks.

Dave the cat has had an idea for a new venture, which is sure to earn a little money.

– How about we sell the shop and buy a grand hotel? says the entrepreneurial cat. – I’ve found an ideal one on the internet. What could go wrong?

– What are we going to do with this? says Saint David, indicating the cromlech.

– We could bring it with us, and place it in the gardens as a tourist attraction. Owain could rise from his grave every now and then as a performance.

– Don’t.

But despite Saint David’s uncertainty, Saint Dwynwen really likes the idea of running the kitchen, and there will be responsible jobs for the famous Bryn Terfel, as entertainment officer and master of the hats. Jeff the cat is already looking forward to acting as a security guard.

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