October 17, 2024

Mae ffliw ar Julian Cope.

Mae Jeff y gath yn nyrsio’r canwr tra bod Daf y gath yn goruchwylio’r lleill yn adeiladu’r gromlech hollbwysig ynghanol siop lyfrau Dewi Sant.

Mae Dewi Sant yn hollol anymwybodol, gan ei fod wedi yfed gormod a phasio mas eto.

– Wnewch chi addo i’m claddu y tu fewn i’r gromlech? gofyn Julian Cope.

– Gwnawn, meddai pawb.

Mae Julian Cope yn dramateiddio.

Saesneg / English


Julian Cope has the ‘flu.

Jeff the cat nurses the singer while Dave the cat supervises the others building the all-important cromlech in the middle of St David’s bookshop.

Dewi Sant is completely unconscious, as he has drunk too much and passed out again.

– Will you promise to bury me inside the cromlech? asked Julian Cope.

– We will, everyone said.

Julian Cope is dramatising.

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