October 17, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel wedi mynd i banig. Yn ei dagrau, mae e’n erfyn ar Dewi Sant i beidio agor y siop lyfrau heddiw.

Mae e’n ofnus bydd J. R. Hartley yn troi lan. Mae e’n ofnus gwneith J. R. Hartley achosi ffrae eto.

Ac yna, mae cloch drws y siop yn canu. Dyma fe, yn ei holl ogoniant henoed. Y trafferthus J. R. Hartley. Ond mae e’n anwybyddu’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn llwyr.

Mae troli gyda fe. Troli trwm ei olwg.

Mae Daf y gath yn archwilio’r troli yn bwyllog. Mae’r troli’n llawn dop o lyfrau!

Mae’n debyg fod llawer o gopïau o “Pysgota plu” ar ôl.

Saesneg / English


The famous Bryn Terfel has gone into a panic. In tears, he begs Saint David not to open the bookshop today.

He is afraid J. R. Hartley will turn up. He’s afraid J. R. Hartley will cause another scuffle.

And then, the shop doorbell rings. Here he is, in all his elderly glory. The troublesome J. R. Hartley. But he completely ignores the famous Bryn Terfel.

He has a trolley with him. A heavy looking trolley.

Dave the cat examines the trolley cautiously. The trolley is full of books!

It seems there are a lot of copies of “Fly Fishing” left.

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