October 17, 2024

Yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant, mae’r pryfed llyfr wedi cymryd drosodd.

Mae Dewi Sant yn ymguddio mewn cwpwrdd gyda Santes Dwynwen, Jeff y gath, a’r enwog Bryn Terfel.

Mae Daf y gath yn dychwelyd o Ffrainc a gweld yr holl lanast. Mae’r pryfed wedi bwyta a threulio bron i bopeth. Hynny yw, popeth ac eithrio’r copïau o’r ddrama “Blodeuwedd” gan Saunders Lewis. Mae rhai pethau’n gwbl anhreuliadwy.

Mae cnoc ar y drws.

Dyma Flodeuwedd ei hun. Am syndod.

Mae’r pryfed llyfr yn ei hamgylchynu, a’i bwyta’n syth.

Mae’n amlwg ei bod hi’n fwy treuliadwy na’i drama.

Saesneg / English


In Saint David’s bookshop, the bookworms have taken over.

Saint David is hiding in a cupboard with Saint Dwynwen, Jeff the cat, and the famous Bryn Terfel.

Dave the cat returns from France and sees all the mess. The bookworms have eaten and digested almost everything. That is, everything except the copies of the play “Blodeuwedd” by Saunders Lewis. Some things are completely indigestible.

There is a knock on the door.

It’s Blodeuwedd herself. What a surprise.

The bookworms surround her, and eat her straight away.

She is obviously more digestible than her play.

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