Mae pla o bryfed llyfr yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant. Mae Dewi yn ceisio eu lladd nhw gyda’i daniwr sigaréts, ond maen nhw’n rhy gyflym.
– Mae hyn yn hunllefus, meddai Dewi. – Maen nhw ‘di bwyta hanner y farddoniaeth yn barod.
– ‘Co ti, meddai Jeff y gath. – Dyma lyfr am ladd pryfed llyfr. ‘Sen nhw’n bwyta’r llyfr, falle ‘sen nhw’n marw.
Mae Dewi’n rhoi’r llyfr i’r pryfed llyfr.
– Diolch am y snac flasus, medden nhw mewn côr.
Saesneg / English
There is an infestation of bookworms in Saint David’s bookshop. Saint David tries to kill them with his cigarette lighter, but they are too fast.
– This is a nightmare, says Saint David. – They’ve already eaten half the poetry.
– Here you are, says Jeff the cat. – Here’s a book about killing bookworms. If they were to eat the book, maybe they would die.
Saint David gives the book to the bookworms.
– Thank you for the tasty snack, they say in chorus.