October 17, 2024

Mae cwsmer yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant. Am annisgwyl!

Hen fenyw yw hi. Mae hi’n gwisgo cot law, menig, a’r fath o “het hen fenyw” o’r pumdegau sydd yn ymddangos yn aml mewn siopau elusen.

Mae hi’n chwilio’r silffoedd am sbel, cyn mynd at y til gyda rhywbeth trwm.

– Hoffwn i brynu hwn, plis, meddai hi.

– Sori, meddai Dewi Sant, – ond nid yw’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ar werth.

Saesneg / English


There is a customer in St David’s bookshop. How unexpected!

It is an old woman. She is wearing a raincoat, gloves and the kind of “old lady hat” from the fifties that often appears in charity shops.

She searches the shelves for a while, before going to the till with something heavy.

– I would like to buy this, please, she says.

– Sorry, says Saint David, – but the famous Owain Glyndŵr is not for sale.

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