October 17, 2024

Yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant, mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn dysgu darllen.

Myfyriwr drwg yw e. Mae e’n gwrthod eistedd yn llonydd. Byddai’n well gyda fe ddringo’r silffoedd.

– Ma fe angen swydd go iawn, meddai Daf y gath wrth Dewi Sant. – Rhaid bod ‘na rywbeth all e neud yn y siop.

– Byddai rhaid i fi addo gwobr ysblennydd iddo fe, ymetyb Dewi Sant. – Neu fisgedi. Ti’n gwbod sut un yw e.

Ar ôl iddo fe glywed y gair “bisgedi” mae Owain Glyndŵr yn dechrau neidio i lan ac i lawr. Fydd ‘na ddim mwy o ddysgu darllen heddiw.

Saesneg / English

In Saint David’s bookshop, the famous Owain Glyndŵr is learning to read.

He is a bad student. He refuses to sit still. He would rather be climbing the shelves.

– He needs a proper job, says Dave the cat to Saint David. – There must be something he can do in the shop.

– I would have to promise him a splendid reward, says Dewi Sant. – Or biscuits. You know what he’s like.

After he hears the word “biscuits” Owain Glyndŵr starts jumping up and down. There will be no more learning to read today.

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