October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi prynu siop lyfrau. Does dim angen dweud ei bod hi eisoes yn drewi o sigaréts a chwrw.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn mynd i reoli’r adran goginio. Mae mwy o lyfrau am gwstard na fyddai neb eu disgwyl. Nac angen.

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael ei hysbrydoli gan y llyfrau barddoniaeth. Ar ôl iddi wylio digwyddiadau ar Faes y Proceri Poeth yn uffern, mae hi’n gadarn ei barn nad oes angen mwy o’r stwff diflas am emosiynau ac yn y blaen. Mae eisiau mwy o gerddi am fisgedi, yn enwedig am Dreamies.

Mae Jeff y gath bellach yn rheoli’r adran hela. Does dim adran hela mewn siop lyfrau arferol, ond mae hi wedi archebu llyfrau anadnabyddus o bedwar ban y byd.

Ond dyw’r enwog Bryn Terfel a’i efell Owain Glyndŵr ddim yn helpu llawer. Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn mynnu dringo’r silffoedd, ac mae Bryn Terfel yn treulio’i amser yn chwilio ym mhob twll a chornel am rywbeth all e droi’n het ysblennydd. Fel arfer.

Saesneg / English


Saint David has bought a bookshop. It goes without saying that it already reeks of cigarettes and beer.

Saint Dwynwen is going to manage the cookery department. There are more books about custard than anyone would expect. Or need.

Dave the cat has been inspired by the poetry books. After watching events on the Red Hot Poker Field in hell’s Eisteddfod, she is firmly of the opinion that there is no need for any more boring stuff about emotions and so on. She wants more poems about biscuits, especially about Dreamies.

Jeff the cat now manages the hunting department. There is no hunting section in a normal bookshop, but she has ordered obscure books from around the world.

But the famous Bryn Terfel and his twin Owain Glyndŵr are not helping much. Owain Glyndŵr insists on climbing the shelves, and Bryn Terfel is spending his time searching in every nook and cranny for something he can turn into a splendid hat. As usual.

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