October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant am berfformio yn Eisteddfod Daf y gath.

Nid yw hyn yn syniad da, fel arfer. Ond am unwaith mae Dewi yn sobr.

Yn gwisgo sbectol haul a het, mae e’n mynd â gitâr acwstig i’r llwyfan a dweud rhywbeth annealladwy am “ddyn y siwgr”. Yna, mae e’n troi ei gefn ar y gynulleidfa a chanu cân anghredadwy o dda.

Yna, mae e’n diflannu i’r nos.

Saesneg / English

Sugar man

Saint David wants to perform at Dave the cat’s Eisteddfod.

This is not usually a good idea. But for once Saint David is sober.

Wearing sunglasses and a hat, he takes an acoustic guitar on stage and says something incomprehensible about “the sugar man”. Then, he turns his back on the audience and sings an unbelievably good song.

Then, he disappears into the night.

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