October 17, 2024

Mae Eisteddfod Daf y gath yn llwyddiant llwyr. Mae popeth yn troi fel deiol, hyd yn oed gwerthiannau cwstard Santes Dwynwen.

Yn annisgwyl, mae amser sbâr gyda Daf, felly bant â hi i weld beth sydd yn digwydd ar Faes P, sef Maes y Proceri Poeth.

Mae rhes o feirdd uffernol yn aros am eu cyfle i adrodd eu gwaith diflas ar y llwyfan. Bob tro mae un ohonyn nhw’n darllen odl anghywir, fe osodir procer poeth.

Mae lot o sgrechian.

– Dyna sut i wella safon y farddoniaeth! meddylia Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat’s Eisteddfod is a complete success. Everything is running like clockwork, even St Dwynwen’s custard sales.

Unexpectedly, Dave has some spare time, so off she goes to see what is happening on Maes P, which is the red-hot poker field.

A row of hellish poets are waiting for their chance to recite their boring work on stage. Every time one of them reads an incorrect rhyme, a red-hot poker is inserted.

There is a lot of screaming.

– That’s how to improve the quality of the poetry! thinks Dave the cat.

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