October 17, 2024

Mae’n anodd cysgu yn uffern.


Wel, mae’n boeth iawn, i ddechrau.

Ond hefyd mae cangen Merched y Wawr uffern yn mynnu canu trwy oriau man y bore. Maen nhw’n canu caneuon uffernol, eisteddfodol.

Mae Daf y gath am fynd mas.

Ond nid oes tyllau cath yn uffern.

English / Saesneg

Lack of sleep

It’s difficult to sleep in hell.


Well, it’s very hot, to begin with.

But also hell’s branch of Merched y Wawr insists on singing through the early hours of the morning. They sing hellish eisteddfod songs.

Dave the cat wants to go out.

But there are no catflaps in hell.

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