Yn y syrcas, mae gan yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr act newydd.

Mae e wedi dod o hyd i hen gadair, ac mae e’n bwriadu gwneud campau gyda hi.

Mae e’n gorymdeithio i’r llwyfan, a thynnu ei holl arfwisg a’i isddillad ac eithrio ei drôns (sydd yn syfrdanol o liwgar) cyn taflu’r gadair i’r awyr a neidio lan a lawr wrth hwtian fel tylluan.

Mae’r gynulleidfa’n mynd yn wyllt.

Saesneg / English


In the circus, the famous Owain Glyndŵr has a new act.

He has found an old chair, and he is intending to do stunts with it.

He marches onto the stage, and takes off all his armour and underwear except for his pants (which are stunningly colourful) before throwing the chair into the air and jumping up and down while hooting like an owl.

The audience goes wild.

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