October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael hen ddigon o’r syrcas. Er bod yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’i efell Owain Glyndŵr yn cael llwyddiant helaeth fel diddanwyr, mae Daf wedi methu.

Mae Daf a Jeff ei chwaer yn penderfynu mynd i weld Santes Dwynwen yn uffern, lle mae hi wedi ymuno â changen Merched y Wawr danddaearol.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn falch o’u gweld.

Tra bod y cathod yn ceisio sbarduno gyrfa yn y syrcas, gweodd Santes Dwynwen ac aelodau eraill Merched y Wawr peiriant cwstard newydd, ac yn awr yn darparu cwstard i drigolion uffern i gyd.

Mae pawb yn tewhau, hyd yn oed yr Esgob-ddiawl.

– Cwstard cariad yw e? gofyn Daf y gath i’r santes.

– Nag yw, meddai Santes Dwynwen. – Cwstard sinamon yw e. Sdim lot o gariad lawr fan hyn.

Saesneg / English

Back to hell

Dave the cat has had quite enough of the circus. Although the famous Bryn Terfel and his twin Owain Glyndŵr have had great success as entertainers, Dave has failed.

Dave and her sister Jeff decide to go and visit Santes Dwynwen in hell, where she has joined the underground branch of Merched y Wawr.

Santes Dwynwen is pleased to see them.

While the cats were trying to start a career in the circus, Santes Dwynwen and other members of Merched y Wawr knitted a new custard machine, and now provide custard to all the inhabitants of hell.

Everyone is getting fat, even the Devil-Bishop.

– Is it love custard? Dave the cat asks the saint.

– No, says Saint Dwynwen. – It’s cinnamon custard. There’s not a lot of love down here.

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