October 17, 2024

Ble mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr?

Does neb yn gwybod.

Diflannodd e rywle ger Crymych. Rhedodd i ffwrdd, yn chwifio ei freichiau yn yr awyr a hwtian fel tylluan anferth.

Mae’n dawel, o leiaf. Mae Jeff y gath yn llawer hapusach hebddo fe, ac mae ei phen tost hi wedi diflannu gyda’r hen leban.

– Beth wnawn ni heno er mwyn diddanu ein hunain, ‘te? gofyn Dewi Sant.

– Mae syrcas yn Solfa, yn ôl bob sôn. Beth am i ni fynd yno? Gawn ni gysgu yn y babell fawr ar ôl y sioe, meddai Jeff y gath. – Bydd llygod mawrion, ychwanega, yn ddisglair ei llygaid.

Digwydd bod, mae atyniad newydd gyda’r syrcas.

Annwyl ddarllenwr, allwch chi ddyfalu beth yw e?

Wrth i Dewi Sant a’r cathod gael mynediad i’r babell fawr, dyma Owain Glyndŵr yn gwneud lapiau o anrhydedd gyda’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn ei wisg Siôn Corn. Mae’r gynulleidfa wrth ei bodd.

Saesneg / English


Where is the famous Owain Glyndŵr?

Nobody knows.

He disappeared somewhere near Crymych. He ran away, waving his arms in the air and hooting like a giant owl.

It’s quiet, at least. Jeff the cat is much happier without him, and her headache has disappeared with the old buffoon.

– What shall we do tonight to entertain ourselves, then? asks Saint David.

– There is a circus in Solfa, according to all reports. How about we go there? We can sleep in the big tent after the show, says Jeff the cat. – There will he rats, she adds, her eyes shining.

It just so happens that the circus has a new attraction.

Dear reader, can you guess what it is?

As Saint David and the cats get into to the marquee, here’s Owain Glyndŵr doing laps of honor with the famous Bryn Terfel in his Santa Claus outfit. The audience loves it.

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