October 17, 2024

Mae bwyty Dewi Sant a Daf y gath yn llawn dop o gathod meddw ar ôl i Daf ddechrau gweini space-cakes sy’n cynnwys catnip.

Mae hyn yn fuddiol iawn.

Ond yn anffodus mae chwant snaciau dwys arnyn nhw i gyd, ond mae pawb yn rhy feddw o lawer i fynd i’r siopau.

Does dim byd arall i’w fwyta yn y bwyty heblaw am frechdanau caws ofnadwy Owain Glyndŵr.

Mae Daf yn trio rhwystro’r cathod eraill rhag eu bwyta nhw, ond mae’n rhy hwyr.

O diar.

Digwydd bod, mae brechdanau caws ofnadwy Owain Glyndŵr yn achosi gwibdeithiau seicedelig dychrynllyd o wael.

Saesneg / English

Urge for snacks

Sainy David and Dave the cat’s restaurant is full of intoxicated cats after Dave started serving space-cakes that contain catnip.

This is very profitable.

But unfortunately they all have an intense craving for snacks, but everyone is too stoned to go to the shops.

There is nothing else to eat in the restaurant apart from Owain Glyndŵr’s terrible cheese sandwiches.

Dave tries to stop the other cats from eating them, but it is too late.

Oh dear.

As it happens, Owain Glyndŵr’s awful cheese sandwiches cause terrifyingly bad psychedelic trips.

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