October 17, 2024

Does dim gweithgareddau diddorol yn uffern heddiw.

Pam lai?

Achos bod yr Esgob-ddiawl wedi cael y sack ei hunan! Am ryfeddol!


Pwy a ŵyr. Mae uffern yn symud mewn ffyrdd dirgel – fel Duw, ond gyda mwy o broceri poeth.

Felly, mae ein prif gymeriadau’n rhydd i adael unrhyw bryd.

Ond mae problem. Wrth gwrs mae problem.

Mae Santes Dwynwen eisoes wedi ymuno â changen Merched y Wawr uffern, ac mae hi’n edrych ymlaen at y nosweithiau gwnïo a mwy o foreau coffi.

Saesneg / English


There are no interesting activities in hell today.

Why not?

Because the Devil-Bishop has had the sack himself! How amazing!


Who knows. Hell moves in mysterious ways – like God, but with more red-hot pokers.

Therefore, our main characters are free to leave at any time.

But there is a problem. Of course there is a problem.

Saint Dwynwen has already joined hell’s branch of Merched y Wawr, and she is looking forward to the sewing evenings and more coffee mornings.

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