October 17, 2024

Wedi diwrnod cyfan o ddawnsio gwerin uffernol a sawl anafiad, mae’r Esgob-ddiawl am barhau i arteithio Dewi Sant, Santes Dwynwen, yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’r cathod yn uffern. Ac mae e wedi cael syniad arteithiol arall.

– Amser bowlio! meddai’r Esgob-ddiawl.

– Ond sdim lawnt fowlio fan hyn yn uffern, cwyna Dewi Sant.

– Sa i isie, meddai Daf y gath.

– Tyff! meddai’r Esgob-ddiawl gan brocio Dewi Sant gyda phrocer poeth.

– Aw! meddai Dewi Sant.

Digwydd bod, mae’r Esgob-ddiawl yn cael sut gymaint o hwyl wrth brocio Dewi Sant gyda’i brocer poeth, mae e’n colli diddordeb mewn bowlio.

Saesneg / English


After a whole day of hellish folk dancing and several injuries, the Devil-Bishop wants to continue torturing Saint David, Saint Dwynwen, the famous Bryn Terfel and the cats in hell. And he has had another torturous idea.

– Bowling time! said the Devil-Bishop

– But there is no bowling green here in hell, complains Saint David.

– Don’t wanna, says Dave the cat.

– Tough! says the Devil-Bishop, poking Saint David with a red-hot poker.

– Ow! says Saint David.

As it happens, the Devil-Bishop has so much fun poking Saint David with his red-hot poker, he loses interest in bowling.

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