October 17, 2024

Mae’r seintiau yn uffern yng nghwmni’r cathod a’r enwog Bryn Terfel.

Yn anffodus, mae’r Diawl (sef yr Esgob mewn gwisg ffansi) yn eu harteithio nhw.

Ddoe, roedd e’n mynnu eu bod nhw’n bwyta tunelli o frocoli. Heddiw mae pethau yn mynd o ddrwg i waeth.

Ar ôl iddo fe orfodi pawb i wisgo gwisg traed peryglus, mae’r Esgob-Ddiawl wedi trefnu twmpath.

O diar.

Pwy sy’n galw’r dawnsiau?

Hen gythraul sydd yn drwm ei glyw.

O diar.

Mae’r dawnsio’n gwaethygu nes bod Dewi Sant am fynd yn ôl ar daith gyda’r band jazz-funk sanctaidd.

Saesneg / English

Folk dancing

The saints are in hell in the company of the cats and the famous Bryn Terfel.

Unfortunately, the Devil (namely the Bishop in fancy dress) is torturing them.

Yesterday, he insisted that they eat tons of broccoli. Today things are going from bad to worse.

After he forced everyone to wear dangerous foot wear, the Bishop-Devil has arranged a folk dance.

Oh dear.

Who is calling the dances?

An old demon who is hard of hearing.

Oh dear.

The dancing deteriorates until Saint David wants to go back on tour with the holy jazz-funk band.

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