October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn chwilio am hud a lledrith y tu fewn i bongos Jeff y gath gan fod y band jazz-funk sanctaidd wedi dod i ben.

Does dim ots gyda’r enwog Bryn Terfel am y band rhagor. Mae e wedi dod o hyd i het ysblennydd newydd. Mewn gwirionedd, bwced tân yw’r het. Mae tywod ym mhobman.

Mae Daf y gath yn agor bongos Jeff gyda’i chrafangau. Pyrth ydyn nhw! Mae drysau ar waelod y ddau bongo.

“YN ÔL AT Y GOEDEN FFA”, meddai’r bongo mwy. Am gyfleus.

“MARWOLAETH WARANTEDIG”, meddai’r llall.

Mae cyn-aelodau’r band jazz-funk sanctaidd yn gadael y llong fordaith am y goeden ffa unwaith eto.

Saesneg / English

Opening the bongos

Dave the cat is looking for magic inside Jeff the cat’s bongos as the holy jazz-funk band has come to an end.

The famous Bryn Terfel doesn’t care about the band anymore. He has found a splendid new hat. In reality, the hat is a fire bucket. There is sand everywhere.

Dave the cat opens Jeff’s bongos with her claws. They are portals! There are doors at the bottom of both bongos.

“BACK TO THE BEANSTALK”, says the bigger bongo. How convenient.

“GUARANTEED DEATH”, says the other.

The former members of the holy jazz-funk band leave the cruise ship for the beanstalk once again.

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