October 17, 2024

Ar ôl i’r enwog Bryn Terfel geisio ail-sodro peiriant drymiau Daf y gath yn fyw ar y llwyfan, dim ond lwmpen o blastic a metel wedi’i toddi yw e. Dyw’r enwog Bryn Terfel ddim yn un da am sodro.

Ond nawr mae problem fwy.

Mae Dewi Sant wedi meddwi eto.

Mae e wedi yfed tan iddo fe fethu dala’i feicroffon. Mae e’n rhegi a gweiddi ar bawb, ac nid yw e’n gallu cofio ei enw ei hun, heb sôn am eiriau ei ganeuon.

Dyma ddiwedd naturiol ar y grŵp, meddylia Daf y gath.

Mae ei pheiriant drymiau wedi mynd, mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn llusgo ymlaen yn ddibwrpas, ac mae Jeff y gath yn rhy brysur o bell yn hela llygod i chwarae ei bongos hi.

Ond eto i gyd, mae ‘na obaith, meddylia Daf.

Daethon nhw ar eu taith fyd-eang oherwydd hud a lledrith. Felly mae angen tamaid bach mwy o hud a lledrith.

Fodd bynnag, does dim llawer o hyd a lledrith yn y-fronts yr enwog Bryn Terfel, mae’n debyg. Ond efallai bod ychydig y tu fewn i bongos Jeff y gath.

Gawn ni weld.

Saesneg / English


After the famous Bryn Terfel has tried to resolder Daf y gath’s drum machine live on stage, it is just a melted lump of plastic and metal. The famous Bryn Terfel is not good at soldering.

But now there is a bigger problem.

Saint David is drunk again.

He has drunk until he can’t hold his microphone. He swears and shouts at everyone, and he can’t remember his own name, let alone the words to his songs.

This is a natural end to the group, thinks Dave the cat.

Her drum machine is gone, the famous Bryn Terfel is shuffling about aimlessly, and Jeff the cat is far too busy hunting mice to play her bongos.

But still, there is hope, thinks Dave.

They came on their world tour because of magic. So a little bit more magic is needed.

However, there is not much magic in the y-fronts of the famous Bryn Terfel, it seems. But there may be some inside Jeff the cat’s bongos.

We will see.

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