October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant, yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’r cathod ar daith fyd-eang hudolus fel band jazz-funk sanctaidd. Erbyn hyn, maen nhw ar ffwrdd llong fordaith, lle maen nhw wedi ypsetio’r cwsmeriaid i gyd, oedd eisiau rhywbeth mwy fel Max Boyce arnyn nhw.

Yn anffodus mae peiriant drymiau Daf y gath wedi torri i lawr.

Yn gyntaf, amheuodd hi fod problem gyda’r batris. Ond nac oedd. Rhoddodd y batris i mewn i “degan arbennig” Santes Dwynwen a gweithiodd e’n iawn.

Felly, mae’n lwcus iawn bod y llong yn agosáu at ei phorthladd nesaf.

Gobeithio bydd peirianydd peiriannau drymiau yn y porthladd.

Tan hynny, bydd rhaid i’r band jazz-funk sanctaidd diddanu eu cynulleidfaoedd heb rythm na thalent. Am her.

Saesneg / English


Saint David, the famous Bryn Terfel and the cats are on a magical world tour as a holy jazz-funk band. By now, they are on board a cruise ship, where they have upset all the clientele, who wanted something more like Max Boyce.

Unfortunately Dave the cat’s drum machine has broken down.

First, she suspected there was a problem with the batteries. But no. She put the batteries into Saint Dwynwen’s “special toy” and it worked fine.

So, it is very lucky that the ship is approaching its next port.

Hopefully there will be a drum machine mechanic in port.

Until then, the holy jazz-funk band will have to entertain their audiences without rhythm or talent. What a challenge.

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