October 17, 2024

Ar ynys fydd y gig nesaf, mae’n debyg.

Wedi cyrraedd porthladd anhysbys, mae’r gyrrwr dirgel yn parcio’r bws teithio yn y maes parcio a mynd i brynu tocyn fferi dwyffordd.

Yn y cyfamser, mae Jeff y gath wedi penderfynu ei bod hi wedi cael hen ddigon o’r gwiriondeb taith fyd-eang hwn.

Mae hi’n ceisio difrodi’r bws gyda’i chrafangau. Ond gan eu bod nhw wedi mynd ar y daith hon trwy ddrws hudolus, mae’r bws hefyd yn un hudolus, ac mae e’n gallu trwsio ei hun. Am gyfleus.

Mae Jeff y gath yn gaeth i’r daith.

Cyn pen dim, toc wedi saith, mae’r gyrrwr yn ail-ymddangos a phlicio’i fwgwd i ffwrdd.

Dyma Santes Dwynwen! Am syndod.

Ac mae hi wedi gwneud cwstard gwrth-salwch arbennig ar gyfer yr achlysur.

Ymlaen â nhw i’r fferi. Mae’r môr yn arw iawn, ac mae Dewi Sant yn troi’n wyrdd er gwaetha’r cwstard gwrth-salwch. Neu efallai o’i herwydd.

Saesneg / English


The next gig will be on an island, apparently.

Having arrived at an anonymous port, the mysterious driver parks the tour bus in the car park and goes to buy a return ferry ticket.

Meanwhile, Jeff the cat has decided she’s had quite enough of this world tour silliness.

She tries to sabotage the bus with her claws. But as they have gone on this journey through a magical door, the bus is also a magical one, and it can repair itself. How convenient.

Jeff the cat is shackled to the tour.

Before anything, shortly after seven, the driver reappears and peels off his mask.

It’s Saint Dwynwen! What a surprise.

And she has made a special anti-sickness custard for the occasion.

On they go to the ferry. The sea is very rough, and Saint David turns green despite the anti-sickness custard. Or maybe because of it.

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