Ar frig y goeden ffa, mae’r band jazz-funk sanctaidd yn camu trwy’r drws hudolus â’r geiriau “TAITH FYD-EANG” arno fe, yn syth i fws teithio.

Mae’r bws eisoes ar ei ffordd i’w gig nesaf nhw.

– Ble ni’n chwarae’r gig heno? meddai Daf y gath, sydd yn rhaglenni ei pheiriant drymiau â phatrymau newydd yn barod.

Dydy’r gyrrwr, sydd yn edrych fel Jock Stein, ddim yn ateb.

– Butlins ife? gofyn Jeff.

– Syrpréis yw e, meddai’r gyrrwr.

Yn y cyfamser mae Dewi Sant wedi dod o hyd i dŷ bach y bws teithio a’i flocio.

Saesneg / English

Tour bus

At the top of the beanstalk, the holy jazz-funk band steps through the magical door with the words “WORLD TOUR” on it, straight into a tour bus.

The bus is already on its way to their next gig.

– Where are we playing the gig tonight? says Dave the cat, who is already programming her drum machine with new patterns.

The driver, who looks like Jock Stein, doesn’t answer.

– Butlins, is it? asksJeff.

– It’s a surprise, said the driver.

In the meantime Dewi Sant has found the tour bus’s toilet and blocked it.

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