October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi arwain yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’r cathod trwy ddrws hudolus â’r geiriau “MARWOLAETH WARANTEDIG” arno ar gam.

Ar ochr arall y drws, mae popeth yn ddu. ‘Dyn nhw ddim yn gallu gweld dim byd.

Mae’r sefyllfa’n codi ofn ar Daf y gath, sydd yn dechrau cnoi ei thraed a chrynu.

– Paid neud ‘ny, meddai Jeff ei chwaer, – neu fel arall bydd rhaid i ti fynd i’r filfeddygfa.

– Sdim milfeddygfeydd lan fan hyn, ateb Daf. – Ac eniwê, mae’n ‘nghysuro i. Gad lonydd i fi.

Yn sydyn, mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn rhoi’r goleuadau ymlaen. Am gyfleus.

Dyma ddyn bach gyda bwyell blastig yn ei law chwith. Mae e’n gwichian yn bathetig. Fydd ddim marwolaeth heddiw.

Mae pawb yn troi’n ôl, er mwyn dewis y drws hudolus arall.

Saesneg / English

Dewi Sant has led the famous Bryn Terfel and the cats through a magic door with the words “CERTAIN DEATH” on it by mistake.

On the other side of the door, everything is black. ‘They can’t see anything.

The situation frightens Dave the cat, who begins to chew her feet and tremble.

– Don’t do that, said Jeff his sister, – or else you will have to go to the vet.

– There are no vet surgeries up here, answers Dave. – And anyway, it comforts me. Leave me alone.

Suddenly, the famous Bryn Terfel turns on the lights. How convenient.

Here is a little man with a plastic axe in his left hand. He squeaks pathetically. There will be no death today.

Everyone turns back, in order to choose the other magical door.

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