Nid yw llusgo pâr o bongos i lan goeden ffa hudolus yn hawdd i gath fach. Ond mae Jeff y gath yn benderfynol o lwyddo, er ei bod hi’n ymwybodol iawn fod y dasg yn un dwp.
Mae’n cymryd diwrnod cyfan i’r grŵp o Dewi Sant a’r ddwy gath gyrraedd brig y goeden ffa.
Mae siâp dynol ymhlith y cymylau.
Am eiliad, mae ar Dewi Sant ofn bod yr Esgob yn aros amdanyn nhw.
Nid yr Esgob yw e.
Mae’n waeth fyth.
Dyma’r enwog Bryn Terfel, sefyll yn falch yn ei y-fronts a’i het hances, yn cario gitâr fas newydd.
– O’n i isie câl y band nôl at ei gilydd, meddai.
Dyma’r peth cydlynol cyntaf iddo fe’i ddweud ers misoedd.
Saesneg / English
Up the beanstalk
Dragging a pair of bongos up a magic beanstalk is not easy for a tiny cat. But Jeff the cat is determined to succeed, even though she is very aware that the task is a stupid one.
It takes a whole day for the group of Saint David and the two cats to reach the top of the beanstalk.
There is a human shape among the clouds.
For a moment, St David is afraid that the Bishop is waiting for them.
It is not the Bishop.
It is even worse.
It’s the famous Bryn Terfel, standing proudly in his y-fronts and his handkerchief hat, carrying a new bass guitar.
– I wanted to get the band back together, he says.
This is the first coherent thing he has said in months.