October 17, 2024

Wedi crwydro’r anial am ddeugain dydd, mae chwant bwyd ar Dewi Sant. Mae e wedi colli pwysau.

Mae e wedi trio bwyta’r llwyni, ond mae blas petrol arnyn nhw. Dyw e ddim yn gallu dal cŵn gwyllt; does dim tun rhostio gyda fe yn yr anial er mwyn eu coginio beth bynnag.

Felly, mae e’n penderfynu dechrau braenaru’r tir â’i ddwylo ei hun.

Cyn bo hir, mae ei ddwylo’n gignoeth.

Beth mae e wedi cyflawni?

Dim llawer. Dim ond twll bychan sydd yn y ddaear.

Saesneg / English

Having wandered in the wilderness for forty days, Saint David is hungry. He has lost weight.

He has tried to eat the bushes, but they taste like petrol. He cannot catch wild dogs; he has no roasting tin with him in the wilderness to cook them anyway.

So, he decides to start cultivating the land with his own hands.

Before long, his hands are raw.

What has he achieved?

Not much. There is only a small hole in the ground.

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