October 17, 2024

Mae gyrfa Dewi Sant mewn adfeilion.

Yn anffodus mae neges destun sydd yn ei argyhuddo ymhlith negeseuon Whatsapp y cyn-Prifdaten.

Beth mae e wedi gwneud?

Mae’n debyg y cafodd ei weld yng nghwmni Daf y gath, yn achosi trafferth trwy fwydo colomennod â chwstard Santes Dwynwen yn ystod y cyfnod clo cyntaf. Does dim yr un golomen ar ôl.

Mae’r Esgob yn diswyddo Dewi Sant (eto) a sefydlu Eifion yr octopws fel nawddsant Cymru yn ei le.

Saesneg / English

Career in ruins

Saint David’s career is in ruins.

Unfortunately there is a text message which incriminates him among the Whatsapp messages of the former Prime Minister.

What has he done?

It seems he was seen in the company of Dave the cat, causing trouble by feeding pigeons with St. Dwynwen’s custard during the first lockdown. There is not a single pigeon left.

The Bishop dismisses Saint David (again) and installs Eifion the octopus as the patron saint of Wales in his place.

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