604: Negeseuon testun

Mae’r Prifdaten presennol am gael gafael ar ddyddiadur y cyn-Brifdaten cyn i’r Esgob ei ddefnyddio yn ei ymchwiliad cyhoeddus.

Mae e’n becso rhag ofn i’w ragflaenydd fod wedi copïo rhai o’i negeseuon testun i’w lyfr cyfrinachol.

Mae e’n gweld Daf y gath yn darllen y dyddiadur wrth chwerthin nerth ei phen.

O diar. Mae’n rhy hwyr.

Mae Daf yn gwybod popeth am arferion gwael y Prifdaten nawr. A faint maen nhw’n costio.

Saesneg / English

Text messages

The current Prime Potato wants to get hold of the former Prime Potato’s diary before the Bishop uses it in his public inquiry.

He is worried that his predecessor might have copied some of his text messages into his secret book.

He sees Dave the cat reading the diary while laughing her head off.

Oh dear. It’s too late.

Dave knows all about the Prime Potato’s bad habits now. And how much they cost.

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