October 17, 2024

Beth sydd yn cuddio yng ngwely’r rhosod?

Dyma’r cyn-Brifdaten!

Fel mae pawb yn gwybod, mae’r cyn-Brifdaten wedi camymddwyn yn ofnadwy. Mae’r Esgob yn cynnal ymchwiliad cyhoeddus er mwyn mynd at waelod y sefyllfa, ond mae’r tatws yn gwrthod rhoi dyddiadur y cyn-Brifdaten iddo fe.

Ond mae Daf y gath eisoes wedi dwyn y dyddiadur heb i neb wybod. Mae hi’n ei ddarllen e yng nghwmni Eifion yr octopws.

Beth sydd yn y dyddiadur?

Llawer o rwtsh a phriflythrennau.

Saesneg / English


What’s hiding in the bed of roses?

It’s the former Prime Potato!

As everyone knows, the former Prime Potato has misbehaved terribly. The Bishop is carrying out a public investigation in order to get to the bottom of the situation, but the potatoes refuse to give him the former Prime Potato’s diary.

But Dave the cat has already stolen the diary without anyone knowing. She is reading it in the company of Eifion the octopus.

What is in the diary?

Lots of gibberish and capital letters.

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