599: Cyd-garcharor

Mae Bryn Terfel yn cysgu’n sownd tan i’r gwarchodwr agor y drws a thaflu rhywbeth mawr i mewn i’w gell. Rhywbeth mawr mewn bag.

Anrheg yw e?

Nac ydy. Mae’n symud.

Mae’r rhywbeth mawr yn gwingo allan o’r bag. Dyma syndod! Dyn yw e. Dyn â gwallt gwyn.

Dyma’r newyddiadurwr a ddiflannodd o’r ardd! Mae e nawr yn gyd-garcharor i’r enwog Bryn Terfel. Yn amlwg mae e wedi gwneud pethau erchyll.

Nid yw’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn hapus gyda’i gymar newydd. Dim o gwbl.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn chwalpio’r newyddiadurwr yn anymwybodol, cyn rhedeg tuag at y wal gyda’i holl nerth. Mae sŵn cracio wrth i’r canwr enfawr orfodi ei ffordd trwy’r briciau i gyd. Dyma heulwen! Mae e’n rhydd! Rhydd! Rhydd o’r diwedd!

Saesneg / English

Fellow prisoner

Bryn Terfel sleeps soundly until the guard opens the door and throws something large into his cell. Something big in a bag.

Is it a gift?

No. It is moving.

The something large wriggles out of the bag. Here’s a surprise! It is a man. A man with white hair.

This is the journalist who disappeared from the garden! He is now a fellow prisoner of the famous Bryn Terfel. Obviously he has done some horrible things.

The famous Bryn Terfel is not happy with his new companion. Not at all.

Bryn Terfel knocks the journalist unconscious, before running towards the wall with all his might. There is a cracking sound as the enormous singer forces its way through all the bricks. Here is sunshine! He is free! Free! Free at last!

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