October 17, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel eisiau dianc rhag y carchar. Pam? Mae eisiau het ysblennydd newydd arno fe.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn archebu gwisg ffansi ar-lein heb i neb sylweddoli. Weithiau, mae e’n gallu gweithredu’n gymwys. Beth yw’r wisg ffansi? Gwisg hanesyddol Owain Glyndŵr, gyda baner a phopeth.

Mae’r wisg ffansi’n cyrraedd ymhen wythnos. Ond mae problem.

Yn anffodus mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn anferth, ac nid yw’r wisg yn ei ffitio e. Mae’r faner fel hances.

Mae e’n clymu clymau yng nghorneli’r faner, a’i rhoi ar ei ben. Dyma het ysblennydd newydd, o leia.

Saesneg / English


The famous Bryn Terfel wants to escape from prison. Why? He wants a splendid new hat.

Bryn Terfel orders some fancy dress online without anyone realising. Sometimes, he can act competently. What is the fancy dress? A historic Owain Glyndŵr costume, with flag and everything.

The fancy dress arrives in a week. But there is a problem.

Unfortunately the famous Bryn Terfel is enormous, and the dress doesn’t fit him. The flag is like a handkerchief.

He ties knots in the corners of the flag, and puts it on his head. Here is a splendid new hat, at least.

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