October 17, 2024

Beth ddigwyddodd i’r enwog Bryn Terfel ar ôl ei berfformiad anarferol yng nghoroni’r Brenin Mawrglustiau?

Does dim sôn amdano fe yn yr ardd ers y diwrnod tyngedfennol hwnnw. Ble mae e?

Digwydd bod, mae e wedi cael ei garcharu am oes. Pam? Does neb yn gwybod. Troseddau yn erbyn tuniau rhostio, efallai.

Dyw e ddim yn ymddwyn yn dda yn y carchar, chwaith. Amser ymarfer corff, ac yn ôl ei arfer, mae e’n rhedeg o gwmpas yn wyllt wrth wneud lapiau o anrhydedd o’r buarth. Does neb yn y carchar yn hoffi’r enwog Bryn Terfel gan mai niwsans yw e.

Saesneg / English


What happened to the famous Bryn Terfel after his unusual performance at the coronation of King Bigears?

There has been no sign of him in the garden since that fateful day. Where is he?

It turns out that he has got life in prison. Why? Nobody knows. Crimes against roasting tins, perhaps.

He is not behaving well in prison, either. At exercise time, as is his habit, he runs about wildly doing laps of honour around the yard. Nobody in prison likes the famous Bryn Terfel because he is a nuisance.

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