591: Busnes fideos, rhan 2

Mae Daf y gath yn bwriadu gwerthu tapiau fideo er mwyn ennill bach o arian. Mae hi wedi casglu fideos Betamax Dewi Sant i gyd mewn bagiau plastig a’u llwytho nhw ar ei fan.

Mae Dewi Sant newydd godi wedi noson drwm ar y fodca.

Yn syth, mae e’n sylweddoli bod rhywbeth ar goll. O na. Y tapiau. Mae e’n mynd i banig.

Mae’r deunydd ar y fideos yn… sensitif. Roedd Dewi’n bwriadu eu defnyddio nhw fel math o bensiwn. Ond nawr mae e gynlluniau ar chwâl, gan fod rhywun wedi dwyn y tapiau.


Mae tapiau fideo Dewi Sant yn syfrdanol o boblogaidd, fel mae’n digwydd. Mae Daf y gath wedi gwerthu mas ohonyn nhw gan fod llawer o gymeriadau eglwysig wedi bod yn eu prynu nhw.


Pwy a ŵyr. 

Does dim ots gyda Daf, beth bynnag. Erbyn hyn, mae hi wedi ennill digon o arian i brynu sawl bag mawr o Dreamies.

Ond pwy sy’n agosáu ar gyflymder o gan milltir yr awr?

Dyma’r Esgob!

Mae’r Esgob yn dala fideo yn ei law a’i chwifio o gwmpas. Mae golwg grac iawn arno fe, ac mae ei wyneb e’n goch i gyd.

Mae Daf y gath yn neidio i’w fan a gyrru i ffwrdd ar gyflymder o gant ac un filltir yr awr.


Mae’r Esgob yn gandryll.

Digwydd bod, mae’r deunydd sydd ar y tapiau yn ei gynnwys e.

Beth mae’r Esgob yn wneud yn y fideos?

Mae e’n dawnsio mewn clwb nos gyda menyw ifanc, atyniadol wrth wisgo ei wisg eglwysig. Digwydd bod, darpar fam ei blentyn yw’r fenyw.

Hyd at hyn, mae e wedi cadw’r gyfrinach yn llwyddiannus. Ond nawr mae’r stori wedi cyrraedd pedwar ban y byd, diolch i Daf y gath, y dwpsen honno, a’i busnes fideos.

Ond pwy gynhyrchodd y fideos? Nid y gath.

Does dim ond un ateb o bosib.

Mae’r esgob yn anelu at sied Dewi Sant.

Saesneg / English

Video business, part 2

Dave the cat intends to sell video tapes in order to earn a little money. She has gathered all Saint David’s Betamax videos in plastic bags and loaded them onto her van.

Saint David has just woken up after a heavy night on the vodka.

Immediately, he realises that something is missing. Oh no. The tapes. He panics.

The material on the videos is… sensitive. Dewi intended to use them as a kind of pension. But now his plans are ruined, as someone has stolen the tapes.


St David’s video tapes are surprisingly popular, as it happens. Dave the cat has sold most of them as many ecclesiastical characters have been buying them.


Who knows.

It doesn’t matter to Dave, anyway. By now, she has earned enough money to buy several large bags of Dreamies.

But who is approaching at a speed of a hundred miles an hour?

It’s the Bishop!

The Bishop is holding a video in his hand and waving it around. He looks very angry, and his face is all red.

Dave the cat jumps into her van and drives off at a speed of one hundred and one miles an hour.


The Bishop is furious.

It just so happens that the material on the tapes includes him.

What is the Bishop doing in the videos?

He is dancing in a nightclub with a young, attractive woman while wearing his church garb. It just so happens that the woman is the future mother of his child.

Until now, he has successfully kept the secret. But now the story has reached the four corners of the world, thanks to Dave the cat, that idiot, and her video business.

But who produced the videos? Not the cat.

There is only one possible answer.

The bishop heads for St David’s shed.

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