October 17, 2024

Mae’r ardd yn llawn o lygod mawr.

Byth ers i Dewi Sant bwyta un ohonyn nhw, mae’r llygod mawr lleol am ddial arno fe.

Mae llygod mawr ym mheiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen. Mae llygod mawr yn yr oergell. Mae llygod mawr yn y blwch Dreamies. Mae llygod mawr yn y rhewgell, hyd yn oed, ond ‘dyn nhw ddim yn broblem bellach, gan eu bod nhw wedi rhewi.

Mae popeth o dan haen o lygod mawr. Ond does dim trefn ar y llygod mawr. ‘Dyn nhw ddim yn effeithiol iawn o ran dial.

Dyma Daf y gath yn dychwelyd o gael ei diswyddo o’i phlwyf dros dro.

Dyma Daf y gath yn penderfynu bod y llygod mawr yn ormod i’w wynebu heddiw, a chychwyn am ddimensiwn arall ar y catnip.

Saesneg / English


The garden is full of rats.

Ever since David Saint ate one of them, the local rats want to take revenge on him.

There are rats in St Dwynwen’s custard machine. There are rats in the fridge. There are rats in the Dreamies box. There are even rats in the freezer, but they are no longer a problem, as they are frozen.

Everything is under a layer of rats. But the rats are disorganised. They are not very effective in terms of revenge.

Here is Dave the cat returning from being temporarily dismissed from her parish.

Here is Daf the cat deciding that the rats are too much to face today, and setting off for another dimension on the catnip.

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