Mae Daf y gath wedi dod o hyd i lestri ac arnyn nhw’r geiriau “Carolus Rex”. Mae llun o’r Brenin Mawrglustiau a’i geffyl arnyn nhw hefyd.
Mae Jeff y gath wedi dod o hyd i lestri ac arnyn nhw’r geiriau “Fyny gyda’r Chwyldro Sosialaidd”. Mae llun o ryw dad-cu hudolus neu’i gilydd arnyn nhw.
Mae Dewi Sant yn gwrthod y llestri i gyd. Mae e’n hapusach o lawer wrth lyfu gwin o’i ddwylo wedi’u cwpanu fel cath.
Saesneg / English
Dave the cat has found dishes with the words “Carolus Rex” on them. There is also a picture of King Bigears and his horse on them.
Jeff the cat has come across dishes with the words “Up the Socialist Revolution” on them. They have a picture of some magical grandfather or other on them.
Saint David rejects all the dishes. He is much happier licking wine from his cupped hands like a cat.