Mae Dewi Sant wedi bod yn gwylio’r teledu. Mae’n debyg bod aelodau’r cyhoedd yn ciwio ar gyfer coroni’r Brenin Mawrglustiau yn barod.
Mae’r amser wedi dod. Mae’n amser mynd ag Owain Glyndŵr i Lundain er mwyn iddo ryddhau Cymru fach rhag gafael Lloegr.
Dyw Daf y gath dal ddim mewn cyflwr addas i yrru na wneud dim byd arall oherwydd bara brith Mrs. Griffiths Pant y Dderwen. Felly, bydd rhaid i Dewi Sant, Jeff y gath a’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ddefnyddio’r bws.
Am arswyd.
O leia mae’n bosib cadw Owain Glyndŵr rhag gwneud lap o anrhydedd bob yn ail funud erbyn hyn.
Saesneg / English
Public transport
Saint David has been watching the television. It seems that members of the public are already queuing up for the coronation of King Bigears.
The time has come. It’s time to take Owain Glyndŵr to London so he can free Wales from England’s grip.
Dave the cat is still not in a fit state to drive or do anything else because of Mrs. Griffiths Pant y Dderwen’s bara brith. Therefore, Dewi Sant, Jeff the cat and the famous Owain Glyndŵr will have to take the bus.
What horror.
At least it is now possible to keep Owain Glyndŵr from doing a lap of honor every other minute.