October 17, 2024

Mae’r Esgob wedi gofyn i Dewi Sant am gynllun pum mlynedd. Mae e eisiau gweld strategaeth a fydd yn delio â… rhywbeth.

Dyw e ddim wedi esbonio pam, na chynnig unrhyw fath o gyfarwyddyd.

Mae Dewi Sant yn rhoi darn o bapur a bocs o greons i Owain Glyndŵr a Daf y gath. Bydd rhaid i beth bynnag maen nhw’n creu wneud y tro.

Mae Daf yn tynnu llun amharchus o’r Esgob. Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn bwyta gweddill y creons.

Saesneg / English


The Bishop has asked St David for a five year plan. He wants to see a strategy that will deal with… something.

He has not explained why, or offered any kind of guidance.

Saint David gives Owain Glyndŵr and Dave the cat a piece of paper and a box of crayons. Whatever they create will have to do.

Dave draws a disrespectful picture of the Bishop. Owain Glyndŵr eats the rest of the crayons.

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