October 17, 2024

Mae’n debyg bod mwydod yn ddiddorol iawn i Owain Glyndŵr. Ond ‘dyn nhw ddim yn ddigon diddorol i’w atal rhag rhedeg o gwmpas yr ardd pryd bynnag mae e’n clywed y geiriau “lap o anrhydedd.”

Ond mae Jeff y gath wedi dod o hyd i wlithen anferth.

Dyma Owain Glyndŵr yn rhythu ar y wlithen.

– Ma fe’n rhyfeddu ati hi’n llwyr, meddai Jeff. – Trïa nawr.

– Lap o anrhydedd, meddai Dewi Sant yn betrusgar.

Ond dyw Gwir Dywysog Cymru ddim yn symud modfedd.

Saesneg / English


It seems that Owain Glyndŵr is very interested in worms. But they’re not interesting enough to stop him running around the garden whenever he hears the words “lap of honour.”

But Jeff the cat has found a giant slug.

Here’s Owain Glyndŵr staring at the slug.

– He’s totally fascinated by it, says Jeff. – Try now.

– A lap of honour, says Saint David hesitantly.

But the True Prince of Wales doesn’t move an inch.

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