October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn gwirio’r ystadegau.

Ddoe, rhedodd Owain Glyndŵr o gwmpas yr ardd dri chant o weithiau. Does dim rhyfedd ei fod e wedi blino heddiw.

Tybed beth fyddai’n digwydd ‘se fe’n cael profiad seicedelig ar y catnip, meddylia Daf. Gawn ni weld.

Mae hi’n cynnig pêl galed o catnip i Wir Dywysog Cymru, sydd yn ei llyfu hi’n ufudd.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn dod yn fwy afreolus fyth. Mae e’n dringo waliau’r tŷ a dawnsio ar y to yn ei arfwisg ysblennydd.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is checking the statistics.

Yesterday, Owain Glyndŵr ran around the garden three hundred times. No wonder he is tired today.

I wonder what would happen if he had a psychedelic experience on the catnip, thinks Daf. We’ll see.

She offers a hard ball of catnip to the True Prince of Wales, who obediently licks it.

Owain Glyndŵr becomes even more unruly. He climbs the walls of the house and dances on the roof in his splendid armour.

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