October 17, 2024

Mae het newydd gyda’r enwog Bryn Terfel, sydd wedi cael hen ddigon o wisgo ei dun rhostio erbyn hyn.

Ond beth yw ei het ddiweddaraf?

Powlen fwyd cath yw hi.

Roedd e wedi gobeithio gwisgo woc, ond doedd y woc ddim yn edrych yn ddigon ysblennydd.

Pa mor ysblennydd yw’r bowlen, ‘te?

Ysblennydd iawn yw hi. Disglair a hynod o ddeniadol yw hi.

Mae Daf y gath yn gynddeiriog.

– Beth yffach wyt ti’n neud gyda fy mowlen, y twpsyn? meddai hi.

Ond mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel mewn byd arall o lawenydd. Mae e’n dwlu ar ei hetiau.

Saesneg / English

Bryn Terfel’s new hat

The famous Bryn Terfel has a new hat. He has had quite enough of wearing his roasting tin by now.

But what is his latest hat?

It’s a cat food bowl.

He had hoped to wear a wok, but the wok didn’t look splendid enough.

How splendid is the bowl, tea?

It is very splendid. It is shiny and extremely attractive.

Dave the cat is furious.

– What the hell are you doing with my bowl, you idiot? she says.

But the famous Bryn Terfel is in another world of joy. He loves his hats.

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