Nid yw Daf y gath yn hoff iawn o dalu trethi. Bob blwyddyn, mae hi’n llenwi ei ffurflen trethi ar y funud olaf.

Ond dyw hi byth yn dweud y gwir. Bob tro, mae hi’n sôn am gwpl o fuddsoddiadau a dim byd arall. Mewn gwirionedd, mae hi’n ennill swm annisgwyl o arian trwy ei mentrau ei hun. Dyna pam mae hi’n gallu fforddio cymaint o catnip.

Mae hi wedi cuddio’r arian yn sied Dewi Sant.

Mae arolygydd trethi yn dod i’r ardd.

O diar.

Mae Dewi Sant yn mynd yn syth i’r carchar. Diolch byth, mae Daf hefyd wedi cuddio arian yn y piano, lle mae Samuel Beckett.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat does not really like paying taxes. Every year, she fills in her tax return at the last minute.

But she never tells the truth. Every time, she talks about a couple of investments and nothing else. In fact, she earns a surprising amount of money through her own ventures. That’s why she can afford so much catnip.

She has hidden the money in Saint David’s shed.

A tax inspector comes to the garden.

Oh dear.

Saint David goes straight to prison. Thankfully, Daf has also hidden money in the piano, where Samuel Beckett is.

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